Authors: Blomberg;  Dagher;  Guarini;  Heil; Lavitrano

Research infrastructures and advanced scientific facilities are complex organisations. Not only do they operate at the leading edge of scientific and technological feasibility, rely on scientists/researchers across Europe, but they also need to work with a large number of different stakeholders and funding mechanisms. Managers of research infrastructures must have a scientific understanding, be part of the scientific user community, and at the same time balance the scientific needs and the technical possibilities with the management skills necessary for the operation of large, expensive facilities and the diplomatic skills required to engage with and define agreements between many international actors.

The role of education and universities is of utmost importance in the development and implementation of specific programs to address the organisational and management needs of RIs and CFs. In order to harmonise the content and implementation of such programs and develop a European diploma for managers of Research Infrastructure a centralized European School should be considered. 

The concept of the School builds on the experience gained by two EU funded projects RAMIRI and RITRAIN, both focused on developing training initiatives. These projects, as well as the input and contribution of experts from European Universities have been useful in defining a competency profile, designing an education, and training program to address the organisational and management needs of RIs and CFs, to prepare the future generations of managers and operators and equally important to pave the way for a career pathway.

The experience gained in defining an education and training program for service provider organizations (i.e., Research Infrastructures and Core facilities) could be extended to define programs for the management of Research Performing Organizations such as Universities and Public Research Institutes.

More details here:

A European School for Research Management: Securing and professionalising the skills for the future