- Name of RI, CF, including website: ELIXIR, https://elixir-europe.org/
- Scientific domain of expertise:
- Personal information of the Contact
Name: Katharina Heil
City/Town: Hinxton
Country: United Kingdom
Email: katharina.heil@elixir-europe.org
- Topic you are comfortable hosting a visitor on:
- Distributed Research Infrastructure. ELIXIR Use case:
- Strategic management
- Financial sustainability
- Resource management
- RI Operations
- Impact analysis
- Project Management
- Distributed Research Infrastructure. ELIXIR Use case:
- Topic you would like to collaborate on:
- Strategic management
- Financial sustainability
- Resource management
- RI Operations
- Impact analysis
- Equality, diversity and inclusion
- Training operations
- e-learning
- Competency-based training
- Impact analysis
ELIXIR sees high value and an excellent opportunity in staff visit and knowledge exchange programmes, allowing to learn and improve processes and their quality. It enables individuals and the organisation to grow, expand its network and engage in new collaborations and projects.
ELIXIR collaborates with the EMMRI presenting the ELIXIR Use case in the following modules: Leadership, Strategic Management, Financial Sustainability. Resources Management in addition to funding ELIXIR Node staff to attend and is keen to widen the audience for these activities.
Furthermore, as part of its contributions to the RI community, ELIXIR has always been open to collaborate with other RIs on sharing knowledge, method and processes that could contribute to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the operation of the RIs what will then lead to an increase of the impact RIs deliver to their stakeholders and the whole society