Motivation: Projects are a common asset for many Research Infrastructures (RIs), and many RIs manage several projects simultaneously. By learning from one another’s best practices, RIs can develop a strategic perspective on how to manage project portfolios and analyse them as a whole. This is sometimes forgotten when focusing on the details of individual projects. Adopting a portfolio approach will also improve synergies within the RI community.

Target group: This online workshop is intended for people working with several projects in research infrastructures or who are planning to do so in the future.. You can register for any individual session, or for all of them. 

About: This workshop is part of the RItrainPlus project, facilitated by Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) in cooperation with the Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure (ACTRIS). Together, these RIs have a total of 21 European and international projects in their portfolio. The workshop is open to participants in all scientific disciplines. The sessions will include peer-to-peer discussions facilitated by ICOS ERIC as well as short talks from invited speakers. 

Session dates

Session 1: Methods for identifying emerging themes to impact the future of RIs
14 November 9.00-11.30 CEST

Facilitator: Elena Saltikoff, Head of Operations, ICOS ERIC

Invited speaker: Anna Salonen, Senior Officer in Administration, ACTRIS ERIC

Session 2: How to practically manage several projects at the same time
15 November 9.00-11.30 CEST

Facilitator: Liisa Ikonen, Project Officer, ICOS ERIC 

Invited speakers 

Session 3: How to ensure the sustainability and legacy of the project
29 November, 9.00-11.30 CEST

Facilitator: Emmanuel Salmon, Head of Strategy & International Cooperation, ICOS ERIC 

Invited speakers 

Session descriptions and learning outcomes 

The workshops are intended as interactive, engaging sessions that allow both the facilitators, the invited speakers and participants to actively participate, exchange ideas, and learn from each other. This model will be facilitated through the use of experts talks, small groups discussions, visualisations and brainstorming exercises.  

Session 1. Methods for identifying emerging themes to impact the future of RIs  will introduce you to a method that can be used to map themes and gaps in your RIs current portfolio. Participants will have an optional pre-assignment for this session, and we recommend completing it with colleagues. 

Learning outcomes: 

  • Gain a practical understanding of how to map and assess the thematic coverage of your RI’s project portfolio.
  • Identify key gaps and opportunities in your current portfolio.

Session 2. How to practically manage several EU projects at the same time will share experiences on how to manage multiple projects simultaneously. 

Learning outcomes: 

  • Understand the challenges and strategies for managing multiple concurrent projects effectively.
  • Learn techniques for balancing priorities, resources, and deadlines across a project portfolio.
  • Gain insights into how other RIs coordinate projects and identify synergies for enhanced efficiency.

Session 3. How to ensure the sustainability and legacy of the project  focuses on the project’s “afterlife” – a topic of increasing importance under Horizon Europe, which has stricter requirements than previous framework programs. We will share best practices on ensuring the sustainability of results, promoting and monitoring the use of the created open data, project handover and impact evaluation 

Learning outcomes: 

  • Learn strategies to ensure long-term sustainability and impact of project results.
  • Understand best practices for promoting and monitoring the use of open data created during projects.
  • Develop skills for effective project handover

Those participants who complete all three sessions will receive a certificate. Please note that the workshop is not about project management, but about the strategic work that takes place within the RI before lobbying for a call or submitting a proposal.. The sessions will be recorded and shared on the RItrainPlus website. 


Please register for the sessions using the forms below. Please note that you will need to register for each individual session separately.  You may register for any individual session, or for all of them. The capacity per session is 40 attendees and places are filled on a first come, first served basis. 

Session 1: Methods for identifying emerging themes to impact the future of RIs
14 November 9.00-11.30 CEST

Session 2: How to practically manage several projects at the same time
15 November 9.00-11.30 CEST

Session 3: How to ensure sustainability and legacy of the project
29 November, 9.00-11.30 CEST

RItrainPlus Knowledge Exchange Workshop: Project portfolio management