The RItrainPlus staff and knowledge exchange programme aims to share the wealth of knowledge and best practices between managers and operators of RIs and CFs. Staff visits and secondments concentrate foremost on the learning objectives whilst using flexible models to ensure suitability and accessibility. A staff visit might be suitable for you if you are a manager or operator seeking specific knowledge and insight and would like to visit an RI or CF with specialist expertise in a particular field to learn from experts in the host RI or CF. Or alternatively, two (or more) staff of an RI or CF get together to explore solutions to a common problem in an informal setting. Staff visits are typically 2-3 days and can take place virtually or face-to-face.

Secondments are significantly longer (up to 6 weeks) in order to gain in-depth and ‘on the job’ experience with a specific goal in mind (for example, setting up a new service, developing a new strategy or business model). There are a limited number of travel grants (maximum 700 EUR per grant) available to support staff visits and secondments if financial means are a barrier to access.

Find more information about the staff and knowledge exchange programme, including how to apply for travel grants contact the EMBL-EBI training team on

Below you can browse the profiles of the RIs/CFs that are able to receive staff visitors and secondees. If you have found a suitable match we encourage you to get in touch with the contact directly to discuss your needs.

Browse our Staff Exchange Profiles

Would you like to improve your skills in data management? Or learn more about innovation, sustainability, or e-learning? Explore the profiles of the RIs that are offering to host staff visits. See what kind of expertise they offer and find your match


Staff exchange experiences

Interested in some experiences from past staff visits? Previous participants have written blog posts about what they learned and how the visit benefited their professional development.