
Current and future managers of RIs (European Research Infrastructures) and CFs (Core Facilities) need specific competencies to lead their organizations. A clear-cut programme will soon be developed by RItrainPlus, the Research Infrastructure Training Programme, a non-profit H2020 project funded by the European Commission.

“We are bringing together European universities with RIs and CFs to design an entirely new training track”, says Professor Marialuisa Lavitrano, who is leading the RItrainPlus project. “The ultimate goal is to set up a European School for RI management bringing together various training opportunities offered by European universities in the field.”

“The core idea is to give students the opportunity to freely follow stackable micro- credentials that can be delivered by any European university, using fit-for-purpose, standardized yet flexible teachers’ kits” says Professor Paolo Cherubini, involved in RItrainPlus.

Learn more on https://ritrainplus.eu/ or contact Professor Paolo Cherubini at paolo.cherubini[at]unimib.it

Join the new RItrainPlus programme for leading Research Infrastructures