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First RItrainPlus course modules are being developed - Driving Excellence for Research Infrastructures and Core Facilities


Most RI and CF Directors and Executives come from a scientific background with a full comprehension of science – however, they might fall short on prerequisite managerial competencies and engage in a risky learning-by-doing process. 

The RItrainPlus WP3 team is working to set up specific cross-field courses at post-doctoral level, aimed at strengthening managerial capabilities for this particular group in question. To facilitate the scalability of training, an instructional design methodology and a coaching programme is designed. 

“After updates and leveling on the methodological framework and a first round of discussion on the common format elements and on target definition, we have now started drafting the contents and structure of the course module”, says Paolo Piseri, leader of WP3 and Associate Professor of Physics of Matter at the Physics Department at the Università degli Studi di Milano. 

The team is now developing the definition of the course modules that will be delivered as a pilot course ensuring the scalability and sustainability of traning and thus contribute to the formation of the longitudinal learning track (LLT) core-objective of RItrainPlus. 

”2022 will be the year of structure and content definition for the first edition of RItrainPlus pilot course modules. We foresee a possible target date for announcing the first edition of the course in the period Fall-Winter 2022, so we are all working to be ready then,” says Piseri. 

First RItrainPlus course modules are being developed