The RItrainPlus management training programme is aimed at professionals in Research Infrastructure or Core Facilities who wish to improve their scientific work by enhancing their managerial skills. The programme, in its second edition just launched, includes seven Continuous Professional Development (CPD) courses covering the most important topics that emerge during the lifecycle of an RI or CF. The participant can take up either the entire programme and move from one CPD course to the next, or take only one or few CPD course(s) that best suits his/her needs. The courses are mainly offered online with sessions lasting up to 6 non-consecutive half-days. An in-person interactive workshop will be held in Milano on November 25-26 2024 combining all courses.

See course descriptions below or browse the CDP Courses Calendar

Data management

Data management

This short course is designed to help RI managers enhance their skills and knowledge in defining and implementing key data…


Why should I take this programme?

The programme is aimed at managers, operators and other professionals at Research Infrastructures and Core Facilities willing to share their experience and upskill themselves.

Who is behind this programme?

The pilot programme is designed by academic and educational experts who gathered in the RItrainPlus project to share their long experience working or leading Research Infrastructures or other scientific institutions.

How is the programme organized?

The programme is divided into seven short courses, each containing separate sessions. The short courses take up 16–32 hours each for the training sessions, plus individual work.

How do I take part?

The participants can take up either the whole programme and progress from one short course to the next, or take an individual short course that best fits their needs. For those interested in taking up the whole programme, it should be noted that although the session activities will not be overlapping, time for individual work might be hardly enough. Participants are advised to check the course schedules for more information.

Once selected to be part of the program, the University of Milano-Bicocca will provide you with an official account to log into the e-learning platform. Through this email account, you will receive all official communications from the University and the final Certificate of Completion.

What’s expected of me?

The Pilot courses are part of a development project which will be enriched by the Participants. Strong commitment to this concept is necessary. The participant is expected to participate in at least 75% of the scheduled activities. Participation in the programmed in-person activities is mandatory. The individual courses are assessed in different ways.

Do I have to take all the sessions in a short course? Can I just choose what I like?

The participant needs to participate in all the sessions in the short course. Course’s thematic units are not opt-in modules.

What does it cost?

The pilot courses are offered free of charge for the Participants. The Project is supported by the European Union’s H2020 programme under grant agreement no.101008503

How are the courses taught?

The short courses are offered mostly as online courses that take up to 6 typically non-consecutive half-days. The courses are taught by experienced Academics and Executives at RItrainPlus partner universities and institutions with the contribution of invited international Experts. The courses will be delivered in the period October-November 2024.

How do I apply? Is there a selection process? Are there specific administrative tasks to complete in order to be formally enrolled?

All CPD courses will be formally delivered by the University of Milano-Bicocca. As such, you will be part of the academic community. According to Italian academic law, there are some compulsory tasks that must be performed:

1- The application period is from July 31, 2024, to September 9, 2024.

2- To provide the Faculty with a comprehensive view of all candidates, you must browse the course catalog and submit all required information through a specific form for each course you wish to participate in. This step is mandatory to enter the selection process, but it does not guarantee admission (please refer to point 4).

3- The selection of accepted candidates will be performed until September 17th, 2024.

4- All selected candidates are required to formally enroll on the ESSE3 platform here: If a candidate does not complete the process on the ESSE3 portal, they cannot be admitted to the courses. The profiling process must be completed through this platform and cannot be handled by the administrative office, as it is a formal requirement for admission. All registrations must be completed by October 3rd. No grace period has been planned.

When will I know if my application has been accepted?

Selected participants are informed of the acceptance of their application by September 17th 2024.

What if I realize that I cannot participate anymore after I’ve been admitted to participation?

If the participant wishes to cancel their participation, they are required to inform the organizers at least two weeks prior to the starting of the course