Date: 7-9 November 2023
Application deadline 7 August 2023
Place: EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute, United Kingdom
Price: £300 – More info here.
This knowledge exchange workshop is an opportunity for managers of bioinformatics core facilities to learn from EMBL-EBI’s service teams, and from each other. These facilities play an essential role in enabling research in the molecular life sciences. The landscape is constantly evolving as new research tools emerge, as experiments become increasingly data intensive, and as their clients – experimental researchers – become more exposed to the power of data-driven biology. This course will allow participants to share experiences, discuss challenges and solutions that they face, and plan ways to cope with the ever-changing demands raised by the molecular life science field. It will include sessions to learn from bioinformatics service providers, hear how others have tackled common problems, and work together to design core services, resource them, and measure their impact.
A limited number or travel bursaries are available. Please see the ‘Additional information’ tab for conditions.
Who is this course for?
This workshop is aimed at new and experienced managers of bioinformatics core facilities, or other facilities that support their users to analyse and interpret large biomolecular data sets. This course will not provide a platform for teaching hands-on bioinformatics analysis.
What will I learn?
Learning outcomes
After the course you should be able to:
– Identify the strengths and limitations of your core facility
– Apply a framework for designing new services (including training your users) or redesigning existing services
– Appreciate different cost models, their pros and cons, and how to apply them in the context of your core facility
– Identify existing strategies and approaches to demonstrate the performance and impact of a core facility, the principles impact pathway logic and impact framework design, and gain appreciation for the range of evidence of performance and impact
Course content
During this course you will learn about:
– The role of core bioinformatics facilities
– How to design and resource your service
– Introduction to project management
– Impact pathway logic in two stages: framework design and evidence of the various
steps of the framework
– Impact pathway logic in two stages: framework design and evidence of the various steps of the framework