EOSC Future project invites research infrastructure and core facilities managers to discuss EOSC Portal and Marketplace engagements strategies: preparing research products and services for onboarding, onboarding workflows, planning strategies on the Nodes/national and institutional levels and Knowledge Hub training resources.
We hope you can join us for this informative and engaging meeting on 12 May 2023 from 12:00 to 13:30 CEST.
- Jessica M. Lindvall, Head of Training NBIS/ELIXIR-SE, SciLifeLab Training Hub, Deputy Head of Node, ELIXIR-SE
- Sy Holsinger, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), OPERAS AISBL
- Pedro Príncipe and André Vieira, members of OpenAIRE’s Services and Technologies Steering Committee, OpenAIRE/UMINHO on the Knowledge Hub
If you want to share your experience with the EOSC Portal and Marketplace, get in touch with us and we will include your talk in the session!
Contact: training@eoscfuture.eu
Join the webinar (12 May 2023, 12.00-13.30 CEST) through the RitrainPlus Community of Practice Facebook group or view the Zoom recording.
You can join the event also via Zoom.