Research infrastructure and advanced scientific facilities are complex organisations. Not only do they operate at the leading edge of scientific and technological feasibility, but they also need to work with a large number of different stakeholders and funding mechanisms. Managers of research infrastructures must have a scientific understanding, be part of the scientific user community, and at the same time balance the scientific needs, the technical possibilities with the management necessary skills necessary for the operation of large, expensive facilities and the diplomatic skills required to engage with and define agreements between a large number of international actors.

The overarching goal of RITrainPlus is to design a training program to fulfil the competency requirements for the current and future managers of European Research Infrastructures and Core Facilities that are foreseen to be implemented in 15 European universities.

It aims also to Establish a European School for Management of Research Infrastructures (ESMRI) to coordinate the continuous development, dissemination, delivery, and certification of the learning activities for continuous professional development, and for monitoring and certifying the learning activities embedded in different university tracks and contributing to the European Longitudinal Learning Track.

The workshop, held in Milan at the University of Milano-Bicocca from 5th to 6th May 2022, explored conceptual, legal, and financial requirements to establish a European School for Management of RIs (EMSRIs) awarding international academic certificates. Invited speakers presented about ongoing initiatives, past experiences, and best practices to gain an in-depth understanding of the field. Aspects such as accreditation, course focus (knowledge, skills, methods, governance, and management practice within RIs), course delivery, training sustainability and specific exchange programmes have been covered.

Are you interested in our outcomes? Would you like to see some pictures from the ESMRI Workshop?




A European School for Management of RIs (ESMRI): Pics and Slides from the Workshop