RItrainPlus is now accepting applications to the second management training programme, aimed at current and future professionals in Research Infrastructures or Core Facilities. The continuous professional development (CPD) courses have been designed to strengthen the managerial capabilities of professionals working in scientific institutions. The programme has been designed as an expansion of the “Executive Masters in Management of Research Infrastructures” (EMMRI) training programme.

The programme was first organised as a pilot in 2023, and learnings from the first edition have now been integrated into the courses. Participant feedback helped the RItrainPlus team improve course schedule and curricula and teaching methods to better meet the participant needs. 

“The feedback questionnaires revealed that the tight schedule was an issue to most participants”, says Paolo Piseri, RItrainPlus Work Package leader responsible for the programme. “For the second edition, the program includes multiple half-days spread across a few weeks with substantial intervals between sessions. The lectures will be alternated with exercises and the program will include practical and active learning methodologies.”

The RItrainPlus management training programme includes seven continuous professional development courses: 

  • Managing the lifecycle of an RI
  • Ethical, Legal and Social Implications in RIs and CFs
  • Data management
  • Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Engagement with Industry
  • Socio-economic impact of RIs
  • Team building and development
  • Coaching development programme 

All courses will be delivered in a hybrid format (in-person and online) between October and November 2024. The in-person part of the training will take place late November 2024 in the format of an interactive two days workshop. 

The participant can take up either the entire programme and move from one CPD course to the next, or take only one or few CPD course(s) that best suits his/her needs. Participants are invited to check the calendar of individual courses for detailed information.

“We designed the courses targeting RI and CF personnel in the early stages of their managerial careers. However, we believe courses can also be an engaging learning and networking opportunity for more experienced professionals. We encourage motivated professionals who are willing to share their experiences and upskill themselves to engage with us and participate in the Pilot”, Paolo Piseri concludes. 

The call for applications is open between July 31st and September 9th (h 12:00 CEST), 2024.

Apply to the program by sending the application form (one for each course) HERE. By following the link, you will find the catalog of our courses: browse it and apply for the courses most suitable to improve your career.

Explore the FAQ (link) and course pages (link) for more information and follow RItrainPlus on X and LinkedIn for more updates.

The result of the selection will be published on 17 September and the selected participants will have to register on the Milan Bicocca University website by 3 October 2024.

Call for applications to the RItrainPlus management training programme is now open – Apply by September 9th 2024