
The Community of Practice webinar series continues on 9 September with Evi-Carita Riikonen from ICOS ERIC giving a presentation on the socio-economic impact (SEI) of RIs.

ERIC Forum has done a survey to find out the current status of SEI assessment among the ERICS, what challenges they faced, and what kind of support they would like from the European Commission and their stakeholders. Evi-Carita Riikonen, who has been the task leader in the WP, presents some of the key findings of the survey. She also brings up topics about what to consider when planning a SEI assessment, and how SEI can be seen as a narrative that needs to be approached in different ways in different phases of the RI’s life cycle.

Evi-Carita Riikonen is an experienced Operations Office at ICOS ERIC. She has worked with socio-economic impact related issues in the ICOS ERIC Head Office, ERIC Forum, and in H2020 projects such as RINGO, ERIC Forum and RItrainPlus.

Join the webinar (9 September 2022, 12-13.15 CEST) through the Community of Practice Facebook group or view the Zoom recording.

You can join the event also via Zoom. 


Webinar: Socio-economic impact of RIs: Things to consider