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publications Archives - Driving Excellence for Research Infrastructures and Core Facilities

A European School for Research Management: Securing and professionalising the skills for the future


Authors: Blomberg;  Dagher;  Guarini;  Heil; Lavitrano Research infrastructures and advanced scientific facilities are complex organisations. Not only do they operate at the leading edge of scientific and technological feasibility, rely on scientists/researchers across Europe, but they also need to work with a large number

Training as grounds for collaboration across disciplinary boundaries


Authors: Bezjak, Sonja; Braukman, Ricarda; Clare, Helen; Dolinar, Maja; Kuchma, Iryna; Leenarts, Ellen; Vipavc Brvar, Irena Training is one of the main pillars of the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA). CESSDA’s service providers offer training for various stakeholders (data users, data producers, repositories, data

Workshop Report – Design Study Workshop: A European School for Management of RIs (ESMRI)

Workshop Report – Design Study Workshop: A European School for Management of RIs (ESMRI)

Authors: Heil, Katharina F;  Dagher, Georges;  Guarini, Enrico; Lavitrano, Marialuisa;  Blomberg, Niklas On May 5th and 6th, 2022 the RItrainPlus project hosted the workshop “Design Study Workshop, A European School for Management of RIs (ESMRI)”, at the University of Milano, Bicocca, Italy.  The workshop explored