Flow Cytometry Core Unit, Biotechnology Programme. Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO). We are members of RITrainPlus through CTLS, one of the project stakeholders. Name Lola Martinez Garcia City/Town Madrid/Madrid Country Spain Email lmartinez@cnio.es Staff exchange is always a great
Staff Visits at Universidad Compultense de Madrid
(https://cai.ucm.es/en/bioimaging/) Expertise: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) both in vivo and in vitro (HRMAS), Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Computed Tomography (CT)
Staff Visits at ECCSEL ERIC
ECCSEL will gladly like to share its expertise on those different fields but also use that opportunity to assess similarities and differences with RItrain partners.
Staff Visists at LAB BCM (UniBo)
Description It is a great opportunity to share experience and knowledge to create a useful network for interdisciplinary sciences. Name of RI, CF, including website: LAB BCM (BSBT-BCM, Dimevet – University of Bologna) Chiara Bernardini City/Town: Bologna Country: Italy
Staff Visits at FORS – Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences
Description Benefits from staff exchanges include learning from others on areas where we lack the know-how. FORS – Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences, https://forscenter.ch/ Scientific domain of expertise: Data archiving; survey methodology; data production in the social
Staff Visits at Edinburgh Clinical Research Facility Mass Spectrometry Core
We would love to share our knowledge with colleagues in other Universities for best practice and to expand our network. World class research at the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine in the University of Edinburgh is enabled by the
Staff Visits at CIBIO Core Facilities (University of Trento)
It is a great opportunity to share practices and to learn from the experience of peers, not only in the specific scientific fields but also management practices. In particular, we can offer our expertise developed in the last 12 years,
Staff Visists at ISOM – Institute of Optoelectronic Systems and Microtechnology
It is an incredible opportunity and of great value to be able to carry out staff visits between the different RIs or CFs. Watching and learning how they work and are managed in other organizations is vital to be able
Staff Visits at Eurofleets+
Description Provide training and exchange programmes for user communities and professional staff, Increase ocean literacy across all domains Promote knowledge transfer between Research Infrastructures Foster and develop new collaborations with other RI’s Name of RI, CF, including website: Eurofleets+
Staff Visits at CRBA – Centre for Applied Biomedical Research
Description Opportunity to exchange ideas and to create a stable network for interdisciplinary research and advanced training Establish or strengthen collaboration Share experience and knowledge, having the opportunity to solve / discuss issues that concern most of the RIs Improve