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Staff Visists at ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility) - Driving Excellence for Research Infrastructures and Core Facilities

We consider the staff exchange programme as a unique opportunity for sharing expertise and experiences as well as expanding the ESRF’s network. ESRF is a highly multidisciplinary and multinational research institution where collaborative innovation is a core business. Through this programme, we are primarily interested in gaining knowledge from experts of impact assessment and exchanging evaluation practices with other RIs to advance our assessment tools. At the moment, our EC-funded study is dedicated to assessing ESRF’s socio-economic impact both quantitatively and qualitatively. Besides, we are also confident to share our hands-on experience in industry engagement, data management, science communication/marketing and more.


  • Name of RI, CF, including website: ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility), https://www.esrf.fr/
  • Scientific domain of expertise: X-ray characterisation
  • Personal information of the Contact

Name: Ennio Tito Capria

City/Town: Grenoble

Country: France 

Email: ennio.capria@esrf.fr

  • Topic you are comfortable hosting a visitor on: 

(topics in this list are shown as examples, other topics are also possible)

o Data management (e.g., publication/bibliometric data)

o Aspects related to user access 

o Engagement with industry 

o Socio-economic impact analysis 

o EU project management

o Science communication & marketing

o Innovation

      • Topic you would like to collaborate on:

(topics in this list are shown as examples, other topics are also possible)

o Socio-economic impact analysis 

o Engagement with industry 

o Aspects related to user access

Staff Visists at ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)