The Community of Practice webinar series continues on 9 September with Evi-Carita Riikonen from ICOS ERIC giving a presentation on the socio-economic impact (SEI) of RIs. ERIC Forum has done a survey to find out the current status of SEI
Staff exchanges increase collaboration between RIs
Staff exchanges between RIs have been increasing collaboration and knowledge transfer between RIs. The RItrainPlus’s innovative Staff and Knowledge Exchange Programme facilitates staff exchanges between different RIs. One of those successful visits took place over the course of four days
Driving Excellence for Research Infrastructures and Core Facilities – RITRAIN PLUS Workshop (Report)
4-5 May 2022, University of Milano-Bicocca – Managing a Research Infrastructure (RI) or a Core facility (CF) is managing a complex enterprise with both scientific and non-scientific stakeholders and a rapidly evolving marketplace. The inter-relationships of RIs and CFs in
What do you need to run a Research Infrastructure? Here are three skills managers need the most
A European School for Management of RIs (ESMRI): Pics and Slides from the Workshop
DATE AND TIME: May 5th, 12:00 CEST – May 6th, 11:00 CEST
First RItrainPlus course modules are being developed
Most RI and CF Directors and Executives might fall short on prerequisite managerial competencies and engage in a risky learning-by-doing process
Key competencies needed for RI and CF managers
A recent RItrainPlus study shows the most important key competencies and skills needed for successful Research Infrastructure and Core Facility managers.
Strengthening Managerial Capacities in Data Policy Management and Team Building
WORKSHOP – DATE AND TIME: Tuesday 7 June 13-16, IASSIST22
Design Study Workshop A European School for Management of RIs (ESMRI)
DATE AND TIME: May 5th, 12:00 CEST – May 6th, 11:00 CEST
Join the new RItrainPlus programme for leading Research Infrastructures
Current and future managers of European Research Infrastructures and Core Facilities need specific competencies to lead their organizations.