Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Light SourcesDate: 15 & 16 January 2024 – Lunch-to-LunchVenue: Y.SPOT Partners Grenoble, France The workshop aimed exchange on the practices in assessing and improving the socio-economic impact of Accelerator-based Light Sources (for example, synchrotron facilities). The event created a
Next CoP online meeting: Incorporating Equity, diversity and inclusion practices into Research
We are excited to invite you to the 8th online meeting of the RItrainPlus Community of Practice. This session is dedicated to incorporating equity, diversity and inclusion practices into research projects. Date & Time: 16 February 2024, 12:00 – 13:30
Exploring the Frontiers of Experimental Research Infrastructures: Key Takeaways from the Seventh RItrainPlus CoP Meeting
Author: Maja Dolinar (Slovenian Social Science Data Archives (ADP)) The seventh meeting of the RItrainPlus Community of Practice, held on 1 December, was nothing short of a deep dive into the fascinating world of Experimental Research Infrastructures (RIs). Our esteemed
Working as a manager or operator of a Research Infrastructure or Core Facility? To do so, you need the undergraduate and PhD students training programme!
The European School for Management of Research Infrastructures (ESMRI), will be capable of certify the qualification of future operators and managers of RIs and CFs to students acquiring a pre-defined number of ECTS throughout their whole academic career independently from the
Next CoP online meeting: Accesses in Experimental RI
We are excited to invite you to the 7th online meeting of the RItrainPlus Community of Practice. This session is dedicated to enhancing our understanding and management of experimental platforms within our network. Date & Time: 1 December 2023, 12:00
CoP Workshop: Turning diversity into an asset in your research environment
Authors: Valentina Adami (University of Trento, Italy and Core Technologies for Life Science – CTLS), Lola Martinez (CNIO – Madrid, Spain and Core Technologies for Life Science – CTLS), Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez (University of Gothenburg, Sweden, and Core Technologies for Life
Management training is key for scientific excellence
The first pilot of the RItrainPlus management training programme was organised in June 2023. It offered seven short courses on various topics relevant to those working in managerial positions in Research Infrastructures and Core Facilities. Management training can help scientists
Unravelling the Complexities of EOSC: Insights from the RItrainPlus CoP meeting
Authors: Maja Dolinar (Slovenian Social Science Data Archives (ADP)), Ana Inkret (Slovenian Social Science Data Archives (ADP)) On May 12, 2023 the RItrainPlus Community of Practice convened for a discussion surrounding the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Portal and Marketplace.
Exchange of experience for training operations during a three day working meeting
The Bioinformatics Education Summit, co-organised in 2023 by the RItrainPlus Knowledge and Staff Exchange programme, provides a platform for discussion, development and dissemination of advances, guidance and best practice for training and education in bioinformatics as part of a global
Over 130 participants selected for the RItrainPlusmanagement training programme
The RItrainPlus management training programme is designed for professionals in Research Infrastructures and Core Facilities. The programme, organised for the first time as a pilot in summer 2023, has attracted a lot of interest and received 277 applications from over